The Great Manhunt: asemies Wallaroossa
Ei ollutkaan mikään pieni hälytys. Kun kysyin, mitä oli tapahtunut vastaus oli: "There is a gunman in Wallaroo."
Asemies Wallaroossa. Ensimmäinen asia mitä minulle kerottiin Wallaroosta oli, ettei siellä tapahtu mitään... Ihanko oikeasti? Kun lähdimme Moontasta kotiin, ajoimme tilannepaikan ohi. (yllä minun ottama kuva) Menimme Maryn työpaikalle Caffe Miaan vielä käymään. Siihen aikaan yleensä pitäisi olla hiljaisinta mutta ihmisiä tulvi sisään lisää ja lisää. Kukaan sillä alueella ei saanut mennä kotiin sillä alue oli julistettu vaaralliseksi.
Tässä ote artikkelista 16.7 The Advertiser -lehdestä:
A MANHUNT was is under way and parts of Wallaroo on the Yorke Peninsula are in lockdown as police search for a gun-wielding man.
Officers fired a shot at the man, who was initially wanted over a high-speed pursuit, after he allegedly levelled the firearm at them earlier in the afternoon.
A heavy police presence, including STAR Group officers and the armoured Bearcat vehicle, then descended on the Copper Coast town.
Tämän verran tiedettiin siis maanantai-iltana. Liikkui myös huhuja ammutusta poliisista. Paikalle ilmestyi toimittajia ja helikoptereita. Meidän talomme ei ollut vaaralliseksi julistetun alueen sisällä, mutta kaikkien oli laitettava ovet ja ikkunat lukkoon.
Päivä kääntyi tiistaihin. Saatiin lisää tietoa. Asemiehiä olikin kaksi. Toinen linnoittautuneena ensimmäisen kuvan alueelle ja toinen oli liikkeellä. Koko päivä meni lähes samoissa merkeissä. Sisällä. Tämä ajojahti kesti lähes 30 tuntia. Tässä The Australian -lehden kokoavaa juttua 17.6:
Police have arrested an armed man near the South Australian town of Port Wakefield, north of Adelaide, after a 24-hour manhunt that involved a partial lockdown of the coastal town of Wallaroo.
Jake Dohnt, 25, was taken into custody shortly after 5.40pm this afternoon after a police operation that involved searching homes across the Yorke Peninsula area.
The town of Wallaroo, north west of Adelaide, was put into partial lockdown yesterday after Mr Dohnt allegedly pointed a handgun at police and a police officer allegedly fired a shot at him.
Earlier today, South Australian Police Inspector Alison Clark told reporters they had tried to make contact with the fugitive on his mobile phone.
“I ask Jake to return SMS messages and mobile phone calls that have been made by police to him as we would like to talk to him about his welfare,” Inspector Clark said.
“Our aim is to encourage Jake to come forward to the police so that we can work with him and resolve this situation safely and peacefully with no one getting hurt.”
SA police said they believed some people in the town had been helping Mr Dohnt evade police.
“My message to them is that by harbouring Jake Dohnt they are committing serious offences,” Inspector Clark said.
Police had lifted the exclusion zone in Wallaroo by Tuesday afternoon and established a forward command at the nearby Kadina police station. That allowed some residents who had been unable to access their properties to go home.
Salvation Army Copper Coast Corps Captain Karen Armstrong said about 30 people were provided a meal at the town hall.
Some of them were then allowed back to their homes under police escort, some stayed with friends or relatives and the remainder were found accommodation.
Dohnt was wanted after SA police tried to pull him over on the Spencer Highway at 1am on Monday.
He allegedly refused and continued on before being seen again about 1pm, when he allegedly pointed the handgun at police, near the area that was put into lockdown.
Tällaista. En ihan ajatellut vaihtoni alun olevan tällainen. Meillä ei onneksi missään vaiheessa ollut välitöntä vaaraa, mutta ihan realistisesta näkökulmasta tätä itse seurasin. Toivottavasti ei ihan näin action packed ole tämä loppuviikko...❤Janette
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